I have been a network engineer, smoothly sailing in the relatively calm seas of the Computer Networking industry for over a decade until we were all suddenly hit by the storm of change a couple of years ago with newer technologies such as Network Automation, (Net)Devops, Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing suddenly finding their way into this industry. I had a lot of interest in all of these technologies but fortunately/unfortunately (depends on how you look at it) found my way into jobs that allowed me to dip my toes into these technologies but never deep dive.
Why this blog? There are plenty of amazing blogs that probably do a better job at explaining these technologies than I do on this blog but I am on a journey to learn, practice and re-invent myself in every technology I missed out in the past couple of years and I just wanted to document this journey for myself, for future reference. If my blog articles help someone new to these technologies tread these tough (but fun) waters or if it helps me land a dream job by impressing a prospective employer, then that's the icing on the cake!